Tropical Cyclone Forecast Track Map RSMC Nadi Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre


Tropical Cyclone Osai

Tropical Cyclone Warning Number 18 issued 0109 UTC Thursday 8 February 2024

Current and Past Cyclone Details Forecast Cyclone Details
(at 24, 48 and 72 hours from issue)
  Current Location and Intensity Number
  Very Destructive Hurricane Force Winds
  Destructive Storm Force Winds
  Damaging Gale Force Winds
  Past Track and Movement
  Past Location and Intensity Number
  Forecast Location and Intensity Number
  Very Destructive Wind Boundary
  Destructive Wind Boundary
  Gale Force Wind Boundary
  Most Likely Future Track
  Range of Likely Tracks over 72 hours

The forecast path shown above is the Nadi's best estimate of the cyclone's future movement and intensity. There is always some uncertainty associated with tropical cyclone forecasting and the grey zone indicates the range of likely tracks.

Name:  Tropical Cyclone Osai


  Time (UTC) Intensity Category Latitude
(decimal deg.)
(decimal deg.)
Estimated Position
Accuracy (km)
0hr 12 am February 8 1 17.7S 164.5W 75
+6hr 6 am February 8 1 18.1S 164.4W 100
+12hr 12 pm February 8 1 18.3S 164.5W 130
+18hr 6 pm February 8 1 18.5S 164.5W 155
+24hr 12 am February 9 tropical low 18.7S 164.6W 185
+36hr 12 pm February 9 tropical low 18.9S 165.0W 245
+48hr 12 am February 10 tropical low 19.0S 165.5W 305
+60hr 12 pm February 10 tropical low 19.0S 166.1W 395
+72hr 12 am February 11 tropical low 18.9S 166.5W 480

Fiji time is UTC +12 hours.
For example, 0000 UTC Saturday is 1200 Saturday Fiji time.
For example, 1800 UTC Saturday is 0600 Sunday Fiji time.

Category Cyclone 1 has mean winds 34-47 knots with a central pressure greater than 985 hPa
Category Cyclone 2 has mean winds 48-63 knots with a central pressure 985-970 hPa
Category Cyclone 3 has mean winds 64-85 knots with a central pressure 970-945 hPa
Category Cyclone 4 has mean winds 86-107 knots with a central pressure 945-910 hPa
Category Cyclone 5 has mean winds greater than 107 knots with a central pressure less than 910 hPa

The next TC Threat Track Map is scheduled to be issued within six hours.